Making Animated GIFs With Free Software in Four Steps
Note: this is not Linux-specific. the commands are essentially the same on the windows version of mplayer. The GIMP is also cross platform. see the comments for more details.
MPlayer is a pretty powerful tool for processing video files. It has a built-in command line option that will export specified movie frames to a GIF. Such a feature seems like it would make the guide I'm presenting here obsolete, but the problem with the feature is that the resultant GIF looks terrible: too few colors. As far as I've seen, the best way to get good quality animated GIFs using only free software involves using a combination of MPlayer's command line tools and a little bit of elbow grease in The GIMP. We will export the desired segment of video to a series of JPEG files, then use The GIMP to combine those files into a nicely animating GIF that should look nearly as good as the original video. I believe that it is possible to get MPlayer and The GIMP together in a script that will allow the end user to simply point the script to the desired movie file and the desired segment and the script will do all the "dirty work" and create the GIF. This is my end goal, but I have not taken the time necessary to learn any of GIMP's scripting language. If there is a pre-existing solution that allows one to do what I am trying to show here, I'd love to know about it, so please let me know.
Step 1 (for Debian or Ubuntu users):
sudo apt-get install gimp mplayer
Step 2:
mplayer -ao null -loop 0 -ss 0:11:22 -endpos 5 file.avi
This command will display the segment of file.avi on your screen that runs from 11:22 to five seconds later (11:27). It will loop infinitely until you close the window or send a ctrl+c to the terminal window. This command is useful for figuring out what your GIF will look like before you make it. The audio output will not be heard (is set to null)
Step 3:
mplayer -ao null -ss 0:11:22 -endpos 5 file.avi -vo jpeg:outdir=moviedirectory
This command actually creates the jpeg files you will need to make your animated gif. It is similar to the other command, but nothing is displayed on screen, and the command will not loop forever. The command will output the segment to a series of jpeg files in a directory called "moviedirectory".
Step 4:
Now that we have our directory full of jpegs, we should open the first of these files in The GIMP. Then, open the remainder of the images in the directory as layers (File -> Open As Layers). Every image in that directory should now be a layer. Now save the file as a .gif and choose to "save as animation" as opposed to "flatten image." Click export. Lastly, it is important to make sure "loop forever" is checked if you want a GIF that loops forever. The other options here can drastically change the effect of your gif because they change the speed that the gif is displayed at. A relatively fast gif will have a 15 millisecond delay between frames. The default delay of 100 ms is a bit slow in my opinion. Under frame disposal where unspecified I select "one frame per layer." I check "Use delay entered above for all frames" and "Use disposal entered above for all frames." Here are examples of the end result:

If you find that your image is too large, it is often helpful to resize it to be a bit smaller. This can help with the image's performance.
As Firefox is often the platform where people will be viewing your animated gif files, it is also a good tool to use to test them to see what the final product looks like.
If you liked this or thought it was cool, you should read my guide on using FFmpeg.
Thanks for reading! If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 390 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the guide!
This is awesome! And YES, it works exactly the same with MPlayer in windows!
Aww, I wish I knew more about computers. I managed to install mplayer for windows, and to get an avi file to play in mplayer, but I'm stuck at how to execute that stuff that pulls the gifs out ... anyone care to tell someone who knows nothing about the command line where to type what?
That's a pretty good looking GIF you got as an example. Looks great.
I've been looking for a way to create some sex tape GIFs and I can't wait to get started now!
coell: I may update the guide at a later time to specifically deal with a situation like yours.
IMPORTANT - be sure that the -loop 0 option is NOT included when you do step 3 (the step that saves the jpgs). I left that command looping (by mistake, of course) overnight, and woke up to find my hard drive full, all the free space taken up by images.
i've written a guide on my italian blog that it's very similar to this...
it doesn't make sense to use GIMP here if you don't need special timings or you want to do some editing...
this command is enough
mplayer video.avi -ss hh:mm:ss.lll -endpos hh:mm:ss.lll -vf scale=160:120 -vo gif89a:fps=3:output=out.gif -nosound
hh:mm:ss.lll it's the time (lll are milliseconds)
gif89a create a gif directly..
nosound speed up the process
-vf scale is for scale it (if you want)
ups.. i forgot..
fps=3 means 3 frame per second...
you can play with it..
3 is really low :)
natonelbronx: have you found that the quality of gifs made with that method is as high as the quality if you output to jpeg first? the first gifs I made with this method about 9 months ago when I discovered it were very ugly (not many colors).
i found they are good...
gif have at most 256 colors...
i don't know wich method is used by mplayer to generate the color palette but i'm alwasy found fine with it
anyway.. i think that it's a lot faster to generate the gif directly.. so it worth a try before using gimp..
if you don't like the result then go with gimp :)
what is the top gif from?
The top gif is from the film Rumblefish.
The entirety of that action scene is stylized and could potentially be considered "over the top," but the motorcycle attack takes it to another level.
ummm do you have permission to use those movie segments????
Pretty good blog! You should monetize this blog I think!
Good tutorial. Thanks,
I am thinking to create link back to this post. Hope you do not mind, Please let me know.
Do it.
Thanks Nova, it is
Awesome tutorial! Everything worked like a charm and I've linked your post in my local forum for others to see. Thanks!
im a noob kthxbai~
hope u are enjoying this success, i hope it doesn't bother u that u stole material from a movie in order to make yourself look better........
Just so you know you can have TrueColor GIFs. They dont need to be limited to 256 Colors
Yeah -- I learned about true color GIFs when I first researched this topic, but how do you implement that?
anonymous wrote:
"hope u are enjoying this success, i hope it doesn't bother u that u stole material from a movie in order to make yourself look better........"
fair use. look it up.
Thanks a lot, a very good guide :]
With a little variation, this help for make animated pictures in Second life :p
I've been using GIMP for a while and actually forgot I could use it for that. Though instead of MPlayer, I used KMPlayer, the capture options are complicated and require another guide just to explain that lol.
I made this.
Took me ages to add a stroke because I needed to duplicate the Stroke layer, then move it and merge it like 50 times for each layer. :(
Cool gif.
I used it with Windows fine!
All you have to do is go in the command prompt (Windows key + r [run], and type cmd) and navigate to the folder that you installed MPlayer, and execute the commands from there. worked a treat!
okay i'm using windows and I got the command prompt running but its saying mplayer isnt a command. I've changed the directory to where I put the .exe, but I dont know what to do from there.
is it work with mac?
anonymous said...
is it work with mac?
you can install mplayer via macports:
When make gif-animation the Gimp it is hard to open the images as layers one by one if there are many of them. Is there a way to open them all at once?
Is it better to resize images by the MPlayer or somehowthe Gimp? I know how it happen the mcplayer: e.g. "-vf scale=160:120"
Anonymous: when you choose open as layers, it should let you select more than one picture so that you can open them all at once.
Looks like I'm too stupid because I dont get it. What I should to do when press "open as layers" and this appear?
Haven't tried this in Windows in a long time, but: you can't just click and drag over all the desired files, or ctrl + click to select more than one?
Finally, that "ctrl+click"-method work. This way I can open about 30 pics at once. Thank's again.
Gifsicle is a command-line program (runs on Windows, too!) that can assemble multiple GIF files into a single animated GIF image:
Im having hard time putting step 2 and step 3 I don't know how does that work? where should I go?! I have mplayer and gimp up and i don't know how to start! I have 3 video that i wanna all 3 short quickie video clip together..
bum sex
Man, no matter what delay I set the gif is still much slower than the original video.
Trying to get this to work in Windows, but I'm having some troubles. I have the Command Prompt open in the mplayer folder.
I copy the first command to preview what the .gif will look like. I replaced the "0:11:22" with "0:00:03" (I want it to start at the three second mark). I changed the "5" to a "3" as well, and of course made sure the file name was correct. I hit enter and either the video box comes up, but is just green, or it will not even start at the indicated starting point. It's as if my time intervals are off or something. Any ideas?
its great but the problem is; my animated pictures stoped animating in my blogs for a long time please help me any one.the blog pics are paralyzed,,,,my email is:[email protected]
@anonymous using windows (2 comments above): have you tried it with a variety of intervals? if you can't get it to work at all, post again. but sometimes, in my experience, it won't start/stop where you tell it to for some intervals.
@anonymous who needs blog help: do the pics stop for anyone using the site? in different browsers? you might have limited the number of times the animation loops (see step 4 above)
this fucking sucks
Thanks this guide I've been able to create animate gif using mplayer and GIMP on windows. But as a windows user I later found out the kmplayer and photoshop as a better combo. Kmplayer provides a GUI so it might be a bit more user friendly.
so where do i type the commands??
Type them in the Windows Command Prompt (cmd).
pretty cool!! I wonder if you can make animations with sounds you can customize.. i really like the ones from
haha did you seriously come here to plug a site that sells talking dog cartoons to put into powerpoint presentations?
you can also use ffmpeg to create uncompressed gif's (or the jpeg sequence, or mostly any video conversion).
$ ffmpeg -i "input_movie.avi" -r 5 -pix_fmt rgb24 -s 320x240 -vframes 120 -map 0:0 -b 100 -f gif -y "out.gif"
see here for what each option means:
this is a great walkthrough but my end result is the same as when i use Photoshop CS4... a slow gif in Firefox, even when i use 0ms delay for all frames.
what do i have to do to get faster motion like in yours?
natonelbronx's mplayer commands do yield poor colors in the output. This can be fixed by changing
-vf scale=160:120
-vf palette,rgb2gbr,scale=160:120
This yields nice colors, as in the GIMP method.
I use the following command, which works well on everything I've tried:
mplayer video.avi -ss 00:10:00.000 -endpos 00:00:10.000 -ao null -vo gif89a:fps=10:output=out.gif -vf palette,rgb2bgr,scale=160:120
Oh awesome, thanks for that tip! I spent quite a while trying to figure out how to get MPlayer to do it with nice colors, and never could.
Next time I make a gif, I hope to remember this. Thanks!
Hi there and thanx for the gif guide. A note to Windows7 (Vista) users: run the mplayer command as administrator or it will output nothing ;). Why does the gifs I made do not play in mediaplayer classic and acdsee too? its says bad or unrecogniced image header ... but works fine in firefox
Can an gif include audio and how can a 900 kb gif be reduced to a 200kb gif?
gif cannot include audio. in order to reduce the size of a gif you might try taking out some unnecessary frames or reducing the dimensions of the image....
Thanks! Finally I have my own animated gif for WLM. I use Step4 to create the animated gif.
how do i run smplayer from the command prompt?
clarification. I'm at Program Files\SMPlayer and run smplayer.exe fine. But when I try the commands I get a message SMPlayer stops exit command 1? No idea what this means.
try mplayer instead of smplayer?
SOS. Wasn't successful and now I keep checking my hard drive every 3 hrs and disk space keeps getting depleted. over a gig consumed. havent DL'd anything else. tried system restore. depletion stopped for the moment but the memory lost wasn't recovered.
Sounds like you're writing to a location where you haven't deleted accumulated junk files.
did step 3 says couldn't find the video file. the file appears MPEG-4 but it appears .flv elsewhere. confused here.
where do I put that script?
I'm sorry, but once again, a great idea gets flushed down the toilet by the rest of the internet. I went to the Mplayer site only to get blasted by BINARIES! that aren't even for windows or the option of getting unauthorized compilations from God know what consisting of a hug list of addresses. I picked the 2nd one for windows.
And while the playback function worked as intended, the jpeg extraction FAIL MISERABLY. I adjusted the line for the actual value of when to start and how long to play, etc, but it was totally useless. There is no working way way to create gifs from videos you see on the Internet. I've tried! It's an illusion as well crafted as the idea of a free flow chart program I'd want to use to build programs I want to make.
I'm sorry! I'm glad the illusion did not exist for some of you (not really no I'm not glad for you) and you got the frames, but this is one of the many jokes of the internet where someone says it works! and there isn't any way to repeat the experiment.
Here was my input and output for jpeg extraction:
E:\Program Files\MPlayer>mplayer -ao null -ss 0:00:00 -endpos 40 C:\Users\Wade\D
esktop\sc2archon.wmv -vo jpeg:outdir=C:\Users\Wade\Desktop\out
MPlayer Sherpya-SVN-r29355-4.5.0 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
SSE supported but disabled
SSE2 supported but disabled
Playing C:\Users\Wade\Desktop\sc2archon.wmv.
ASF file format detected.
[asfheader] Video stream found, -vid 1
[asfheader] Audio stream found, -aid 2
VIDEO: [WMV3] 128x138 24bpp 1000.000 fps 8192.0 kbps (1000.0 kbyte/s)
jpeg: Parsing suboptions.
Could not parse arguments at the position indicated below:
Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
AUDIO: 32000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 32.0 kbit/3.12% (ratio: 4000->128000)
Selected audio codec: [ffwmav2] afm: ffmpeg (DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg))
AO: [null] 32000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
Exiting... (End of file)
E:\Program Files\MPlayer>
Oh sorry >_<. It should have been explained that the output source can only be one string depicting the folder name that will be used in the directory where mplayer was installed. It didn't like my out dir on the desktop path.
Um oh well I couldn't put my name up when I tried, so I guess I can only offer my appologies :S.
On the up hand, my brother really likes GIMP even though I believe is superior. So if he likes it, I shouldn't fail too hard with it.
The corrected path
mplayer -ao null -ss 0:00:00 -endpos 40 C:\Users\Wade\Desktop\sc2archon.wmv -vo jpeg:outdir=out
success! this is great! wish i had made the imgs smaller the 1st place tho.:P there anyway to resize gifs?
You should be able to resize gifs using the resize function of GIMP.
Your Blog is very useful indeed. creating animated gif images is a fun way to customize every profiles for social journal. so enjoy doing it.
Want to do more with your digital camera? WEgif create, view and share animated pictures. Auto align images, animate pictures, photo with similar content with one click of a button.
Gif Photo Animation
I am much interested in developing. Thank you for sharing such a great information here. I will definitely try to prepare software and let you know later.
I advice you to change your blog template. It's really annoying!
Save your elbow grease! Use ImageMagick!
convert moviedirectory/*.jpg anim.gif
thank you for such comprehensive post... the step by step process was understandable and easy to follow... GIF animation is quite complex that's why posts like this are useful for newbies on this matter... for much more easier way of doing GIF animation there are actually a lot of sites on the net that teaches an individual on how to do this like and it is very easy....
Gif Photo Animation
Awesome guide! Really works great!
nice guide ... very informative.. anyway i just wanna share this to you guys ... let's make animated pictures here ... Animate photo now! :)
endpos is not working for me.. help?
Excellent tutorial.It really helps me.Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
My way to make animated gifs from movies (i used kubuntu 9.04) :
-a working, updated linux installation;
-a DVD or a video file containing the image sequence;
-a DVD drive if you are ripping from DVD;
software tools :
-vlc (player,to rip the videoclip from DVD or to cut the sequence from an existing clip,the result in MPEG format)
-avidemux (video encoder,useful to rip the frames in jpg format)
-mogrify (image transforming command line tool, part of the imagemagick suite)
-gifsicle (command line tool to create and manipulate GIF images: it will create the actual file. it has loads of useful parameters i didn't mention, read the manpage for details)
all those programs are likely to be already installed, except gifsicle. to install gifsicle under ubuntu or debian the command is :
sudo apt-get install gifsicle
( )
or use your system package manager to install the missing software tools.
Once that you have all the software installed and working, and your dvd or videoclip file, here how to make your
animated GIF in nine steps.
1) insert the DVD disk into your drive and launch vlc ,
launch vlc and open your avi or mpg file ;
2) in the timeline, go to the starting point of the sequence you want to capture ;
3) play the video in vlc and when the part to capture comes in, press RECORD (the red dot button) .press it again to stop recording.
4) in the file browser go to your home directory. you'll find there a .mpg file, name prefix "vlc-record" .
5) open it with avidemux. select the points A and B (start-stop points in selection, keys at the bottom of the window) at the desired time .
6) in avidemux go to menu file --> save --> save selection as JPEG images. a dialog opens. go to the folder chosen to store the single frame images and enter a file name. avidemux will add to the name a numeric suffix (0000, 0001, 0002 etc). click "save". a popup will show at the end telling you the overall number of snapshots saved.
7) go to the folder containing the snapshots in jpg format and open a shell window in that location. type in the following commands:
mogrify -format gif *.jpg
and (example)
mogrify -resize 100x80 *.gif
mogrify is a part of the imagemagick suite. this will convert all your pics in GIF format and resize them to the desired value, set for _example_ to 100x80 .
optionally you can delete all the old jpg files with the command :
rm *.jpg
8) in order to reduce the file size, lower the number of frames: in the file browser select all the odd or even gif files by clicking on them while holding the CTRL key. your window will look like a chessboard ... now delete or move them to another folder.
9) now that you have all the frames converted in GIF format, scaled and reduced by half in number it is time to actually make the animated GIF with gifsicle. in the previous shell window type the following sample command that will generate the myavatar.gif file :
gifsicle --delay=10 --loop --colors 128 *.gif > myavatar.gif
note: you can change the colorspace by editing the --colors parameter. --loop is obvious . --delay sets the delay between frames to time in hundredths of a second.
voila, check the file size and if it's too large try using --color=64 , remove more frames, shorten the clip by removing frames or size down all the frames as shown in step #7.
Its really good way to make animated GIF in short period of time.Thanks for letting know the method.
Thanks for this great great post, i have been enjoying the simplicity of creating GIF using gimp (skipped the mplayer part for now but know how).
Many poster have complained about not getting mplayer to work, so a piece of advice why not just shift to Linux full time, makes great sense rather than the various complications of M$
Anonymous: I couldn't agree with you more. If you're smart enough to follow this guide, you might find that you really like using Linux.
Thanks for sharing this guide - I really appreciate it when people are direct and give value like you did - these GIFs will change my website
works great! thanx
great,thanks for sharing,it's amazing.
Fantastic, thanks!
Thats a great way to show newbies first class. If anyone wants free web pages try r us info. you could use this on there.
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thanks for sharing this Making Animated GIFs With Free Software in Four's fun to see and very interesting!!!
Thanks for sharing your helpful blog! I wanna make an animated stuff with my dogs!
Useful tips. I've often wondered why some GIFs of movie clips were much better quality than others.
But regarding the speed, the author states that 15 ms delay is preferred. That's about 66 frames per second; well above the average used in movies (24fps). That may explain the hyper pace of the samples rendered on Firefox. Windows IE still renders all GIFs at 10 fps (100ms delay). The samples are in slow-mo on IE. Unfortunately the only way for consistency across browsers to set it up for 10 fps which means you'd have to crunch down every other frame or so in the case of movies.
Thats a great way to show newbies first class. If anyone wants free web pages try r us info. you could use this on there.
Great post, I am going to be able to use this information straight away on my Locksmith Website. Thanks
I very much appreciated your tutorial on how to make animated gifs..
Very nice. In fact I'm about to download mplayer right now. Thanks.
MP player provides good quality animated GIFs usingin free software, i like this player........ Thanks for the steps really useful one!
Thanks for a wonderful how-to on animation and GIF's.
For anyone else who's been having trouble getting output from MPlayer on Windows 7, I managed to finally get my jpgs by invoking mplayer from a different folder (i.e. not inside Program Files). Here's what I did:
1. I created a "myWorkspace" directory under C:
2. I put my video in the "myWorkspace" directory.
3. On the command line, I changed directories to C:\myWorkspace
3. "C:\Program Files (x86)\SMPlayer\mplayer\mplayer" -ao null -ss 0:00:25 -endpos 8 discoApache.mp4 -vo jpeg:outdir=discoApache
Hope this saves someone else a headache.
Oops; heheh. That second "Step 3" should be a "4".
thank you so much for sharing..
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i don't know wich method is used by mplayer to generate the color palette but i'm alwasy found fine with it burn itunes video to dvd
Informative...! thanks so much for sharing this information.
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hahahah awesome. Thanks a lot man. Cant wait to try.
Man, I have been playing with Linux for a few years now and that was the best tutorial with the best success for a good video loop i have ever had. Thanks and long live open source!
Worked great on Ubuntu 11.04 exactly as described. Thanks much!
I'm still confused about Step 3. I'm just not quite sure where the jpeg files are supposed to end up/how to get them. It all works fine up until that point...I just don't know where the jpegs are. Very confused, can anyone help?
Anonymous: Wherever you are when you run the command, that's where your jpegs will end up.
The way the guide is written, you will be in your home directory, but you could have ended up somewhere else.
Use the "pwd" command to find out where you are.
Post another comment if you need any additional help.
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Creating GIF animations
Resizing GIF without losing animation
Creating animation from WEBcam
I have been using gimp to make a karate kata and then trasnfer to an amp this is great sutff.
I have made a kata app for ipod using gimp and other software. Its perfect for karate
kata movement animation.
jpeg: moviedirectory - Output directory successfully created. but can't find it anywhere. i feel it made the jpegs bec. it took quite a while because i put 61 secs.
Anonymous: Are you using Windows, or a *nix based platform such as Mac OS or Linux? Have you tried doing a file search for your jpegs?
I saw these same steps on the Ubuntu forum.
However, I ran into an issue. There is more detail from my last post on the thread but essentially between the conversion and the process in Gimp my gif quality is not as good as the source. Why is that?
great job!, good to read and agree with your words.thanks for great sharing with us,i will tell more of my friends about it .Very good article it was helped me to check once again.
This is a great one..nice article, thanks for share with us…
thanks for share,good to read and agree with your words.thanks for great sharing with us
This application provides a simple way to get the job done:
A lot of people already suggested it, but I will complement anyway: I follow all the steps of the post except the Gimp use. Instead, I used ImageMagick as described in
Really cool tutorial - thanks for sharing this. It's great how much free stuff is out there.
Interesting way to create GIF images, thanks for sharing, I'll have to try it sometime.
I am really enjoying reading your well written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work!
Great tutorial and this application provides really a simple way to do the job done.
Are not these steps from the Ubuntu forum?
It is the best tutorial with the best tool for a good video loop i have ever seen. Thanks.
I can see the lot of wonderful things in this site, it prevents me go to another site for taking such kind of information. I'm glad to have been here.
With ImageMagick creating GIF is just one step -
I'm a windows 7 user and i have no idea how to do this. How exactly do i do the steps 2 & 3? Maybe i'm stupid but i don't have a clue how to use the command prompt.
Do i need to change directory in the command line? Does it matter where the video file is that i'm trying to use to make the gif? I just had the video in desktop when i tried to do this but the commands weren't accepted.
I hope someone can clarify this to me. I'd appreciate the help. I can't believe this is that hard...
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