Black Eyes - Drums

Drums is one of my favorite songs from Black Eyes' second album, Cough, released in 2004. If you like it, it's probably better to buy it directly from Dischord, Black Eyes' record label, for many reasons. The most easily understood of these reasons is that it's cheaper than Amazon, which is where I bought it before I even thought to go to Dischord's website. Moral of the story: check with the record label's site first!

Download it here.

fire on the sea and in the tides
fire on every hill and every mountain side
and all day we hear the
singing out of the heavy heavy rhythm of war
i know the sound and smell of
gunshots gunshots
around corners i have nothing to compare you to
a tool for which i found i have no use
my years of yout end up split into twos
forget touching in homes we touch in bathrooms
back rooms and hallways all eyes and conversations
i would hope this event has no contradiction
if i could purge my tongue of all condescension
if only i wasnt so so so so

(Next two parts overlap, with each singer singing his own part.)

blood in the sea and in the tides
blood on every hill and every mountain side
and all day we fail to see the strength of
the heavy, sweet,
choked hands we choose to hold
some people think that the womb is a galaxy of bright stars
some people think the womb is a
garden planted in the rich earth
from which to pick a bouquet
but i smell blood
and when our hands touch it has the force of

eating off each other with
hands and mouths
i don't need any forks with my
father and my mother
coughing when we should be
laughing are we doing
whatever it is we should be doing?
walking through washington dc at night
there are so many ways
i could finish this rhyme
how could i?
i don't even know what to think
no less what to do when i read of.....


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